General Rules
1.1 Newcomers to the faction (Rank 1-3) are not involved in internal faction matters and are unaware of the names of older members. | Jail 35 minutes
1.2 Players are prohibited from using the faction's inventory and balance for personal purposes. | Jail 30 minutes / WARN / Ban 3-30 days / Hardban 7-30 days
1.3 Recruitment into the faction may only take place within the faction's main territory.
1.4 The faction's main territory, in RP logic, is an area densely populated with crime.
1.5 Provocations and aggressions are prohibited during a dialogue within the main territory. | Jail 35 minutes
1.6 Players must wear faction clothing (at least the upper body) and use faction or personal cars in faction colors for criminal activities. | Jail 35 minutes
Note: The upper body must clearly display which faction/family the player belongs to, even when worn under a vest.
1.7 Fleeing from pursuit within the territory of criminal factions is prohibited. | Jail 35 minutes
1.8 All criminal activities that break state law must be conducted with masks. | Jail 35 minutes
Note: Beards and mustaches do not count as full masks.
1.9 Criminal actions can only be performed as a member of a criminal organization (family/gang). | Jail 35-90 minutes
Explanation: If you are not part of the organization and, from an RP perspective, are a regular citizen, you cannot commit a crime.
1.10 Entering an HQ without an IC reason is prohibited for all organizations. | 35-70 minutes Jail
Exception: HQ raid, conversation with the leader, invitation by members.
1.11 Gang members may kill anyone at the HQ if their demands are not met.
Note: If a person complies with the demands, they may not be killed. In this case, it is considered RDM.
Diplomacy and Relations
2.1 Resolving trade and diplomatic relations requires the arrival at the main territory with at least 10 people from the faction. Factions can form alliances or wars for various reasons. | Jail 35 minutes / Leader's warning
2.2 An alliance can consist of a gang and a family. Such an agreement must be made IC.
2.3 There is no limit to the number of hostile diplomatic relations.
2.4 Factions may conduct an attack on the main territory to demonstrate dominance. They may also carry out terrorist attacks on government buildings, warehouses, etc. Any such events must be conducted with the approval of the Administration (Chief Curator / Deputy Chief Admin / Chief Admin). Details can be arranged with your faction's Curator.
Note: The reward for each such event will be determined by the Administration.
2.5 An alliance allows joint attacks on banks, stores, Fort Zancudo, and trading territories and weapons.
1.1 Newcomers to the faction (Rank 1-3) are not involved in internal faction matters and are unaware of the names of older members. | Jail 35 minutes
1.2 Players are prohibited from using the faction's inventory and balance for personal purposes. | Jail 30 minutes / WARN / Ban 3-30 days / Hardban 7-30 days
1.3 Recruitment into the faction may only take place within the faction's main territory.
1.4 The faction's main territory, in RP logic, is an area densely populated with crime.
1.5 Provocations and aggressions are prohibited during a dialogue within the main territory. | Jail 35 minutes
1.6 Players must wear faction clothing (at least the upper body) and use faction or personal cars in faction colors for criminal activities. | Jail 35 minutes
Note: The upper body must clearly display which faction/family the player belongs to, even when worn under a vest.
1.7 Fleeing from pursuit within the territory of criminal factions is prohibited. | Jail 35 minutes
1.8 All criminal activities that break state law must be conducted with masks. | Jail 35 minutes
Note: Beards and mustaches do not count as full masks.
1.9 Criminal actions can only be performed as a member of a criminal organization (family/gang). | Jail 35-90 minutes
Explanation: If you are not part of the organization and, from an RP perspective, are a regular citizen, you cannot commit a crime.
1.10 Entering an HQ without an IC reason is prohibited for all organizations. | 35-70 minutes Jail
Exception: HQ raid, conversation with the leader, invitation by members.
1.11 Gang members may kill anyone at the HQ if their demands are not met.
Note: If a person complies with the demands, they may not be killed. In this case, it is considered RDM.
Diplomacy and Relations
2.1 Resolving trade and diplomatic relations requires the arrival at the main territory with at least 10 people from the faction. Factions can form alliances or wars for various reasons. | Jail 35 minutes / Leader's warning
2.2 An alliance can consist of a gang and a family. Such an agreement must be made IC.
2.3 There is no limit to the number of hostile diplomatic relations.
2.4 Factions may conduct an attack on the main territory to demonstrate dominance. They may also carry out terrorist attacks on government buildings, warehouses, etc. Any such events must be conducted with the approval of the Administration (Chief Curator / Deputy Chief Admin / Chief Admin). Details can be arranged with your faction's Curator.
Note: The reward for each such event will be determined by the Administration.
2.5 An alliance allows joint attacks on banks, stores, Fort Zancudo, and trading territories and weapons.