In principle, officials are not allowed to engage in corrupt or bad-cop activities. However, every government official has the option to create a biography and thereby engage in bad-cop activities. This biography must be approved by the Chief Curator, and the result of the evaluation remains without public response to minimize the chance of metagaming.
It is a privilege to possess an accepted biography, and individuals with many recent prior offenses will not be considered. Government factions also have a limit on the number of bad cops.
OOC Information
First Name:
Real-life Age:
Discord Tag:
IC Information
Name & Static ID of the Player:
Current Rank in the Faction:
Have you had any administrative prior offenses:
Your Character Story:
Why should we accept you as a Bad Cop:
It is a privilege to possess an accepted biography, and individuals with many recent prior offenses will not be considered. Government factions also have a limit on the number of bad cops.
OOC Information
First Name:
Real-life Age:
Discord Tag:
IC Information
Name & Static ID of the Player:
Current Rank in the Faction:
Have you had any administrative prior offenses:
Your Character Story:
Why should we accept you as a Bad Cop: