It’s time to spill a natural flow of blood. Unleash your knives and prepare for a complete meat grinder with an exciting plot. Sometimes strange things happen in a world where justice and kindness prevail. One of these peculiarities is the "Purification Night."
General Rules
It’s time to spill a natural flow of blood. Unleash your knives and prepare for a complete meat grinder with an exciting plot. Sometimes strange things happen in a world where justice and kindness prevail. One of these peculiarities is the "Purification Night."
General Rules
- All main server rules apply during the event.
- Exception: RDM, PG, SK, RK.
- Note: The punishment for violating the main server rules during this event may be tripled.
- Allowed IC alliance (absolutely any player) during the event.
- It is allowed to cross the territory of LSPD / FIB / GOV / SANG / LSCSD.
- Spawn kill from the same faction on one side is allowed at most once every 60 minutes (the interval applies to the attacking faction) | Jail 60 minutes.
- Note: It is forbidden to deliberately hold another faction’s respawn.
- Clarification: After capturing a respawn, players must leave the area.
- It is allowed to play a corrupt police officer without any RP backstory or situation.
- Business owners are prohibited from intentionally raising the price of certain products.
- Under all circumstances, it is forbidden to kill players without an IC reason in professions such as postman, collector, truck driver, and taxi driver.